When setting up taxes, you first need to create a Destination Zone for where the tax will be applied. Then, create your tax and apply it to the zone.
Here's how to set this up:
- Log in to Sitebuilder.
- Click Menu > Store.
- Go to Settings > Zones.
- Click +Add New Zone.
- Create the name of the created destination zone.
- Add a Country, Region or State.
- Now, under "Settings" on the left-hand side, click Taxes in the menu bar.
- In the "Manual" section, click Manage Tax Rates.
- Click +Add New Tax.
- Enter your tax name and define the other settings. Tick the box next to "Enabled by default for all products" if each product should be taxable.
- Click the Specify rates per zone button.
- Select the zone created earlier and enter the tax rate (e.g., 5%).
- Click Add Rate.
- Click Save.