When you publish your site, this generates a Sitemap for the site. This is not something you will notice when your site is published, because it happens behind the scenes. You can submit your Sitemap to Google, using Google Webmaster Tools. Doing this, will give Google more information about your site.
The Sitemap for your published site is the site's URL (web address), followed by /sitemap.xml, for example http://yoursite.com/sitemap.xml.
To submit your Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools :
- Log into your Google Webmaster Tools account.
- Make sure you are on the Site Dashboard page.
- Click Sitemaps. This will open up the Sitemaps screen. Make sure that you have the correct site selected. You will find the name of the selected site, just above the red Add/Test Sitemap button.
- Click Add/Test Sitemap. A screen will open up, with the name of the selected site, enter sitemap.xml in the space provided.
- Click Submit Sitemap. You will see a Sitemap submitted message.
Congratulations! You have now successfully verified your site and submitted a Sitemap, using Google Webmaster Tools. Once Google crawls your site, you will be able to log into your Google Webmaster account to see data that will help you to optimize your site for Google.