Online Store products can be sorted by:
- Order defined by the store owner
- Date added
- Price (low to high, high to low
- Name (A to Z, Z to A)
To set the default products sort order, follow these steps:
- In the Sitebuilder, go to Menu > Store.
- Click Settings > General.
- Click Cart.
- In the "Catalog Settings" section, select the new sort order from the "Default Products Sort Order" drop-down menu.
- Click Save.
If the "Defined by store owner" option is selected, your customers will see products in the same order as you specify them on the Catalog > Categories page. The default "Defined by store owner" option orders your products as you have specified them. Here's how to edit the order:
- Click Catalog > Categories.
- Select the category you would like to edit.
- Click Category products.
- Drag and drop the products to sort them.
- Save the changes.
If any other option is specified, then it will be used as a default sort order. However, your customers will be able to set the sort order they want.